
Typography in Design Systems

Typography in Design Systems encompasses the strategic use of type to ensure readability, accessibility, and aesthetic consistency across a user interface. It involves setting standards for font styles, sizes, weights, and spacing, which are crucial for creating a clear visual hierarchy and enhancing the overall user experience. By standardizing these typographic elements, Design Systems help maintain a cohesive look and feel across all digital platforms, reinforcing the brand’s identity. Effective typography guides users effortlessly through content, making information easy to scan and understand. It's not only about making text legible but also about using type design to evoke the right emotions and actions from users.

What is a Typography Token?

Typography tokens in a Design System are specific values assigned to typography-related properties such as font size, weight, line height, and letter spacing. These tokens act as reusable variables for text styles, ensuring consistent typography across a product’s various components and interfaces. By using typography tokens, Design Systems allow for easy updates and maintenance of text styles, ensuring that any changes made to a token are automatically reflected throughout the product. This approach streamlines the design process and helps maintain visual harmony and readability across different devices and contexts.

How to use Typography Token?

For example, GitLab’s Design System utilizes typography tokens to maintain consistency across its platform. Pajamas includes typography tokens like $size-text-300 for Level 5 headings, body text, input labels, and help text. It also includes font weights of 400, 500, and 600 to enhance visual hierarchy throughout the application. These tokens ensure that all textual elements, such as headers, body text, and buttons, follow a unified style across GitLab’s web and mobile applications. If GitLab decides to update the default font size for better readability or change the font weight to enhance accessibility, they can modify the corresponding typography tokens. This change will then automatically propagate throughout all components and pages using these tokens, ensuring a consistent and cohesive typographic system across GitLab’s user interface.