
What is Pattern?

Pattern in Design Systems refers to reusable solutions for common design problems within a user interface. Patterns help ensure consistency, efficiency, and ease of use across a product by providing standardized methods for handling frequently encountered scenarios. They can range from simple elements, like buttons and text fields, to more complex structures, such as navigation bars or modal dialogs. Design Systems often include a library of these patterns, each with specific guidelines on how they should be used, ensuring that the design language remains uniform across various components and platforms.

Component and Pattern

Component in Design Systems is a singular, reusable UI element, like a checkbox or an switch, with a specific function and design. It serves as a building block for creating more complex interfaces. Pattern, on the other hand, is a solution for common design problems, consisting of multiple components arranged in a specific way to achieve a consistent and functional outcome. While components are the foundational elements, patterns provide the blueprint for combining these elements to address more comprehensive user needs and scenarios.

Key concepts explained

A pattern in Design Systems is like a playbook for a sports team. Imagine a soccer team that uses a playbook filled with strategies for different situations, like how to defend against an attack or set up a corner kick. These strategies are practiced and refined, so every player knows exactly what to do when the situation arises.

In the same way, a pattern in a Design System provides a tried-and-true solution for recurring design challenges in a user interface, like how to display a form or create a modal dialog. Just as a playbook ensures that a team plays cohesively and effectively, design patterns ensure that the design is consistent and efficient across different parts of a product. By following these patterns, designers and developers can handle various scenarios smoothly, ensuring the product is user-friendly and aligned with the overall design language.

How to use Pattern in Design System?

For example, the IBM Carbon Design System uses various Patterns to provide consistent solutions for common design challenges across its applications. Patterns in Carbon Design include structures like forms, global header, and login. Each Pattern comes with specific guidelines on how to implement it, including code snippets, usage rules, and accessibility considerations. The form pattern, for instance, defines how input fields, labels, and buttons should be arranged and styled, ensuring a consistent experience across different forms. By adhering to these Patterns, designers can quickly implement features that are both functional and visually cohesive, improving the overall user experience across all of IBM’s products.