Checkbox is a square-shaped control designed for binary choices, allowing users to select one or multiple options from a list or to toggle a single option on and off. Each Checkbox operates independently, enabling multiple selections in forms and surveys. As a simple and intuitive tool, it enhances user interaction by providing a clear method for indicating choices, making it an essential element in various user interfaces
Alternative names: check, checkmark, tick mark, tick box, selection box
This Blueprint will delve into the structure, various states, and behavior of the Checkbox component, along with best practices and practical examples for its use.
Checkbox design is based on three elements: Icon, Container, Label, and optional Description. Together, these parts ensure a functional, intuitive, and aesthetically cohesive Checkbox. A Checkbox should always include a label. However, in cases where it's omitted, the Checkbox functions as a standalone element, suitable when its purpose is obvious in the context, like in application panels.

Icon: Indicates the state of the Checkbox, usually with a tick or cross, and is integral for visual communication of the Checkbox's status.
Container: Defines the clickable area and visual boundaries. It reflects the Checkbox's active or inactive status through its design.
Label: Provides context next to the Checkbox. The label should be legible and consistent with the interface's typography, aiding user understanding and interaction.
Description: Offers a concise explanation of the Checkbox's function, aiding user comprehension and supplementing the label for clearer interaction.
Checkbox can be in three different conditions: ① Selected, ② Unselected, and ③ Mixed. The Selected condition indicates that the user has chosen or activated an option, while the Unselected condition shows that there is no selection or that the setting is deactivated. The Mixed condition, which is neither fully checked nor unchecked, often appears in hierarchical Checkboxes to indicate partial selection among related items.
Checkbox can display different states like Enabled, Hovered, Focused, Pressed, Disabled, and Error, each representing a specific interaction or accessibility status.

Enabled: This is the normal state where the Checkbox is interactive and responsive to user actions. It indicates that users can select or deselect the option.

Hovered: When the cursor is placed over the Checkbox, it enters the hovered state. This state is typically indicated by a change in color or shade, providing visual feedback that the Checkbox is an interactive element.

Focused: The focused state occurs when the Checkbox is highlighted through keyboard navigation or other input methods. This state is crucial for accessibility, often marked by a distinct border or outline, indicating that the Checkbox is ready for interaction.

Pressed: This state occurs when the user clicks or taps on the Checkbox but hasn't released the click or tap yet. It might show a slight visual change, like a deeper shade or inset shadow, indicating that the action of selecting is in process.

Disabled. A Checkbox in a disabled state shows that a selection exists, but is not available in that circumstance. This can be used to maintain layout continuity and communicate that an action may become available later.

Error. Checkboxes can be marked as having an error to show that a selection needs to be made in order to move forward, or that a selection that was made is invalid.
Interacting with a Checkbox toggles its state between selected and unselected. Upon selection, a checkmark appears within its square frame, offering a clear visual indicator. In multi-select contexts, Checkboxes operate independently, allowing multiple selections. Deselecting removes the checkmark, reverting it to its original state.
In certain scenarios, a Checkbox plays a pivotal role in guiding subsequent user actions. For instance, it can enable a "Continue" button when selected, ensuring that the user can only proceed with the action once the Checkbox is checked. Conversely, when the Checkbox is deselected, it deactivates the button, preventing further action.
Opt for a Checkbox when users need to select one or several options from a list. A Checkbox can also function independently, enabling users to select or toggle a single option on and off. Common applications of Checkboxes include settings, preferences, and forms, as well as in agreements like terms and conditions.
In deciding between a Checkbox and a switch, opt for a Checkbox for options that require saving only after pressing a final confirmation button. Conversely, use a switch for options that apply immediate changes once toggled.
Settings and Preferences
In settings and preferences for apps and websites, Checkboxes serve as a straightforward tool for users to customize their experience. They enable toggling various options, like enabling notifications, selecting themes, or setting privacy levels. Checkboxes in these sections offer clear, binary choices – either activating a feature or preference or leaving it deactivated. This simplicity makes the process intuitive and user-friendly.

For instance, in a recipe app, Checkboxes are utilized to tailor recipe searches according to dietary preferences. Users can select multiple dietary options such as 'Vegetarian', 'Vegan', or 'Gluten-Free'. This feature enables them to filter and view recipes that match their dietary needs, enhancing the app's personalization and utility for their cooking and meal planning.
Forms, Surveys, and Terms
Checkboxes in forms, surveys, and terms play a crucial role in gathering straightforward responses. They allow users to select multiple options from a set, such as preferences in surveys or specific details in forms. In the context of terms and conditions, a single Checkbox often suffices for confirming the user's agreement, thereby streamlining the process of obtaining consent or confirmation.

Consider a product feedback survey: Checkboxes are used for questions with multiple answers. Participants can select features they appreciate, like 'Design' or 'Price', and preferred communication methods such as 'Email' or 'Social Media'. Additionally, a checkbox for agreeing to terms and conditions simplifies the consent and submission processes. This method efficiently gathers diverse user opinions and preferences in surveys.
Mixed condition
A Mixed condition Checkbox is a user interface element that represents a third state beyond the usual Selected and Unselected conditions. This condition is often used to indicate a partial selection in hierarchical or grouped data. It's particularly useful in scenarios where a selection in a parent category doesn't fully extend to all its subcategories or items.

In an email client, a Mixed condition Checkbox is used in the inbox to indicate partial selection of emails. For example, if a user selects a few emails from a list but not all, the checkbox at the top of the list – typically used to select or deselect all emails – changes to a Mixed condition. This Mixed condition, often shown as a dash or a different icon in the Checkbox, signals to the user that only some emails in the list are currently selected. This feature is particularly useful for bulk actions, allowing users to quickly understand and modify their selections, enhancing the usability and efficiency of email management.
Checkbox, Radio and Switch
Selection controls come in three main types: Checkboxes, Radio buttons, and Switches. Also, there are chips and segmented controls, which have a wider range of applications, but they can also serve as selection controls. Each type aids users in making choices, selecting options, or toggling settings.

For example, Checkboxes can be used when users need to select several items from a list, like choosing toppings on a pizza. Radio buttons are appropriate for choosing one item from a list, such as selecting a delivery method. Switches are useful for standalone choices or more detailed options, like turning on or off notifications in an app's settings.
Use Checkboxes when you need to pick multiple items from a list, and Radio buttons for selecting only one item from a list. For individual or detailed options, like in settings, Switches are the best choice. Checkboxes are ideal for indicating selections, while Switches are more suited for activation tasks. Unlike Switches, Checkboxes can also display an Error state.
Best practice
To ensure effective and user-friendly Checkbox design, focus on clear labeling, logical grouping, and consistent design across the application. Prioritize accessibility with size, contrast, and screen reader support. Clearly differentiate between Selected, Unselected, and Mixed conditions with visual cues.
Avoid overusing Checkboxes to prevent user overwhelm and consider pre-selecting options where appropriate. Provide immediate feedback upon interaction, maintain vertical alignment for easy scanning, and indicate errors clearly.
To delve deeper into best practices and real-world examples, take a look at the Checkbox component in Design Systems from leading design teams and top tech companies.